Thursday, August 27, 2020
GCC economies and their role in the world economy Research Paper
GCC economies and their job on the planet economy - Research Paper Example The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was shaped on May 26, 1981. The GCC is an association explicitly framed to join the Arab oil delivering nations. Its significant activity point is toward the southern districts of Asian mainland. GCC is comprised of six dynamic Arabian nations that include the Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar. Be that as it may, some new applications for enrollment have been gotten from other oil delivering Arabian nations like Jordan and Morocco. The targets of GCC are to join the part states with the point of orchestrating quantities of oil on the planet showcase. The individuals share a few variables for all intents and purpose among them religion, political structures, climatic conditions and characteristic assets. The association additionally tries to organize and advance monetary profitability of the part states (Mohammed, 2011). The association likewise expects to help training, medicinal services, business and exchange amon g the part states. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia in the perspectives on Mohammed (2011) structures four-fifths of the whole GCC. Other than being an individual from the GCC, Saudi Arabia is likewise an individual from Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Saudi Arabia has been casted a ballot the world’s biggest oil save among the OPEC and the GCC part states. Indeed, oil creation is the foundation of all the financial segments in Saudi Arabia. Assessments show that 33% of the all out oil delivered by the OPEC originates from Saudi Arabia (Mohammed, 2011). Oil creation in Saudi Arabia every day gauges at around 10 million barrels. Because of huge oil holds that penetrate cash to the nation, Saudi Arabia appreciates an enhanced economy with a lot of creation enterprises that have extended employment opportunities to its residents and the total populace all in all. The oil area has added to the advancement of different businesses, for example, petrochemicals, ma nures and steel fabricating enterprises that helped the fare results of the nation. Mohammed (2011) includes that Saudi Arabia has exceeded expectations in the creation of dates and in any event, turning into the world’s best maker of dates. Saudi Arabia additionally has extended angling grounds and a great deal of cash has been dared to modernize and advance ocean angling exercises. In 1998, OPEC sliced Saudi Arabia’s worldwide flexibly share to 8 million barrels for every day. The burden of the amount prompted noteworthy fall on the country’s all out salary. Broadcast communications speculation (% incomes) in Saudi Arabia In the reports of World Bank, media transmission ventures income in Saudi Arabia arrived at 84.12% in 2008. Media transmission ventures are uses related with buying the responsibility for hardware frameworks including land, building, work and PC programming. Source; Trading Economics, 2011 Current measurements on the planet oil advertise show that Saudi Arabia can possibly expand its oil infusion by extra 2.5 million barrels per day (Daya, 2011). Such an infusion can support oil flexibly on the planet showcase and even facilitate the world vitality emergency. Oil
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Exxon Valdex Story essays
The Exxon Valdex Story articles Step by step instructions to evaluate fault in such a repulsive and horrifying catastrophe as the Exxon Valdez crash isn't a simple assignment. There are various beneficiaries and nobody will ever truly concur. It isnt a lot of a stretch to state that there will never truly be a correct answer with regards to who is the most mindful there are a wide range of assessments. I feel that the one thing individuals can concede to, however, is that fault is well past justified. The edge for human blunder didnt appear to be huge when the boat set out that night-this was a run that had been done again and again, the chief was very much experienced and traffic control was watching them on radar. However, as the story gradually unwound, the watcher gradually discovered that everything was not as it appeared. That little edge out of nowhere appeared to be tremendous, and the fiasco that happened because of it just demonstrated it. The one individual whom I am certain merits top fault in this circumstance, is the commander of the boat. Joseph Hazelwood was well past the lawful blood liquor limit while directing the big hauler. He was given various alerts by a shipmate that the boat was coming nearer to shore each moment and something ought to be finished. Nothing was. As the watcher later discovered, Mr. Hazelwood had a long history of liquor misuse and was registered to a recovery community quite a long while before the occurrence. Why, at that point, did Exxon keep on letting him work there? His drinking history was a well established actuality and nobody attempted to cover it up before the accident occurred. This man ought to have been not even close to a pontoon that day, not to mention a vessel conveying a large number of gallons of oil in Prince William Sound. This man had a lot of opportunities to guide back on course and escape the shallow zone, however when he came out of his smashed daze to really tak e a gander at where they were, it was past the point where it is possible to do any great. This carries me to the individuals whom I think more than fit to convey the second most measure of fault: Exxon. For what reason did the... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why Should I Write a Research Paper?
Why Should I Write a Research Paper?Why should I write a research paper? Some people feel that a report of their activities or accomplishments is more informative and useful than an autobiography or essay. There are many reasons that people decide to write a research paper, one of the most common being to retain some of their skills and expertise for their career.These days, it is not easy to know what skills are required in a particular career. For instance, writing a research paper might involve a lot of technical skills that might otherwise not be necessary. Most of the time, we find that if you do not know how to write a research paper, you can try applying your expertise and skills to another job. However, there are still those who want to maintain their skills and experience to succeed in their career.Some people may also want to write a research paper if they have specific skills and knowledge that are not available in their situation. The reason why they want to write a resea rch paper is because they know that they can be hired or selected for a job when they present their qualifications. They may be quite creative, but they do not know how to write a research paper, so they tend to look for jobs that will help them learn to write a research paper.To write a research paper, it is necessary to have the right mindset for writing a research paper. The first step is to remember that every single aspect of writing a research paper requires talent, because every research paper is not created equal.For example, it is necessary to have a good understanding of statistics and other fields related to statistics before you can begin writing a research paper. The second step is to have a good research methodology. When you choose a topic for your research, make sure that you choose one that is relevant to your field of study. You can read through the topic to get an idea of the subject matter that will interest you and still produce a quality research paper.Another important factor in writing a research paper is to know how to organize your thoughts. You should be able to make logical connections between your knowledge and topics in order to come up with an effective report. You should also consider the style and format of your writing. You need to be aware of the correct rules of grammar and spelling, and the correct format of a research paper.Most of the time, the most effective way to write a research paper is to formulate a research outline. The first thing that you need to do is to outline all of your ideas. You will need to arrange all of your ideas into chapters. You should divide your topics according to the subjects that you want to cover in your research paper.A common mistake that most students make when they are writing a research paper is to pile up information. Instead of doing this, you should divide your ideas into smaller chunks and organize them according to the chapters in your research paper.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Summary Good Morning, Mister Blake - 1094 Words
â€Å"Good morning, Mister Blake, Misses Blake,†the man said, stepping aside. William led Mary down a flight of stairs to the basement. During the week, the basement housed a daycare center and preschool. Children’s artwork adorned the walls. Classrooms with tiny desks and reading nooks flanked a large open area. William spotted Sage in the back of the room speaking with the Reverend. Sage waved William over. â€Å"Here,†William said, handing Mary the coffee cake. â€Å"I’m going over to see Sage for a minute. Bring this over to the baked goods table and mingle a little. I’ll be right back.†He felt Mary bristle and tighten her grip on his arm. â€Å"It’ll only be a minute, I promise.†William gave Mary a quick kiss on the cheek and walked through the crowd. He did his best to nod and keep moving, lest he get pulled into any side conversations; holding his first Sunday-morning conversation with the two most important people in the room would signal his status to anyone observing the social dynamics. â€Å"William, come on over here,†Sage said, slipping his arm around William’s shoulder and pulling him into the conversation. William could feel many eyes on him. The physical embrace by the highest-ranking member in The Movement sent a subtle signal to everyone in the basement. â€Å"Good morning, Sage, Reverend DeWitt,†William said. â€Å"Good morning,†Reverend DeWitt said. â€Å"I understand that congratulations are in order.†â€Å"Thank you, sir.†â€Å"A law degree in hand and a first child on the way; this is
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Way Of Self Regulation - 1396 Words
The way self-regulation occurs will change over time based off of what culture the child lives in. For instance, crying is an acceptable form of self-regulation for a baby, but not for a teenager so the teenager must find another way to self-regulate when a challenge pops up (neurons to neighborhoods). A part of self-regulation (which falls under the emotional part of self-regulation) that is very important for infants to develop is effortful control, or how well the infant can prevent impulses, cope with negative emotions, and behave in a way that is socially acceptable (Berk). It also predicts conscience, empathy, guilt, and low aggression, and gives children the ability to do something else when they are affected negatively so they aren’t overwhelmed. Low effortful control is a consistent predictor of externalizing problems (temperament and personality, Rothbart). Infants show that they are beginning to obtain emotional self-regulation around 12-18 months (Berk). With this evidence it is very obvious that self-regulation is an important part of development. If a child isn’t able to learn how to self-regulate, he/she would not be able to learn important motor abilities, or have the capacity to deal properly with emotions. The best way children learn how to self-regulate is by watching, interacting, and learning from others. This, and other things, are what determine that relationships with others are essential for healthy development. Early relationships are differentShow MoreRelatedSelf Regulation And Effective Learning Essay1381 Words  | 6 Pagesto learn the behaviors that make up self-regulation to learn successfully and be most effective in their personal and professional lives. Self-regulation refers to one’s ability to monitor their own behaviors, assess those behaviors based on their own standards, and provide punishments and reinforcements for those behaviors accordingly. In the experience of these authors, students increasi ngly enter classes lacking essential behaviors necessary for self-regulation and effective learning. InstructorsRead MoreSelf-Regulation in Writing Essay680 Words  | 3 PagesSelf-regulation is a critical component in learning to write. There have been 25 studies that have shown that teaching students self-regulation strategies in writing has improved their ability to write. Self-regulation strategies have even improved writing in students with learning disabilities. So what is self-regulation in writing? In general self-regulation refers to the thoughts, feelings, and actions writers initiate to reach their writing goals. There are three types of self-regulation writersRead MoreHow Self Regulation Impacts Resilience1378 Words  | 6 Pageswere chosen as they provide insight into how self-regulation impacts resilience. As resilience is a broad topic, these papers provide insight into self-regulation can benefit a variety of areas including neurological, epidemiological and h ow they can be implemented in therapeutic real-world interventions. Socioeconomic Status Buckner, J. C., Mezzacappa, E., Beardslee, W. R. (2003). Characteristics of resilient youths living in poverty: The role of self-regulatory processes. Development and psychopathologyRead MoreThe Problem Of Self Regulation855 Words  | 4 Pages Self regulation may also create some problems of the financial and securities market (Peter Keith, 2007). Nowadays, financial markets are more complexity, interrelated, and cross-cutting global that let the SROs faced more challenge (CFA Institute, 2013). Under some circumstances, self regulation might not have enough ability to protect securities market safe and efficient (Larry Biagio, 2000). There were some brokers doubted that self regulation has adequate resources and capacity to surveillanceRead MoreRelationship Between Self Regulation And Motivation869 Words  | 4 Pagesmotivate students to self-regulate their learning. Sansone and Thoman reach a conclusion in their research that made a critical case of the relationship betwee n self-regulation and motivation. The purpose of their argument was to explain the importance the â€Å"interest experience†plays in students maintaining motivation in order to self-regulate. They used research already completed to explain their suggestion that the â€Å"interest experience is the missing piece in the self-regulation model†. Wolters, YuRead MoreLearning Behaviour Theories And Behavior Theories1446 Words  | 6 Pagesbe illustrated by delving deeper into what behaviour is as well as highlighting one of the many critical behaviour theories that can be used to comprehend as to why students in various learning environments may learn in different ways. Behaviour is believed to be the way a student may act or behave, not only in our classrooms but also the environment that surrounds them. Such as at home or with peers(Zimmerman,1994) States that behaviour is learned. Therefore, it can be unlearned with other behavioursRead MoreSocial Cognitive Theory1628 Words  | 7 Pagessocial cognitive theory that are essential to the theory. The key ingredients are modeling, self-efficacy, and self-regulation. Modeling is the imitation of behavior and to be effective, models must show â€Å"competency, prestige and power, stereotypical gender-appropriate ways, and relevance†(Omrod, 2016, p.123-124). Behaviors that can be models include academics, aggression, and interpersonal behaviors. Self-efficacy is the belief that students can perform successfully and has many factors, includingRead MoreA Child s Life Self Regulatory Skills1314 Words  | 6 PagesThe first eight years of a child’s life self-regulatory skills are develo ping that involve cognitive, behavioral, and sometimes emotional processes. The developing skills, during that time, have a large impact on a child’s natural tendencies and their social setting. In recent studies self-regulatory skills have proven to have a large effect on student achievement, social interactions, and less behavioral issues. One aspect that helps develop self-regulatory skills is autonomy support. This is aRead MoreSelf Determination Theory And Actualization Of Human Potential871 Words  | 4 PagesThe article Self-Determination Theory And Actualization of Human Potential by Edward L. Deci, Richard M. Ryan, and Frederic Guay outlines the self-determination theory and defines for the reader the very concept of self-determination. All humans have the potential for the progression towards honesty and enlightenment, but in order to obtain actualization, essential human needs must be met (Deci et al., 2013). This article disclosed three essential needs: compete nce, relatedness, and autonomy. TheRead MoreSelf Regulation And Self Regulatory Practices Essay1643 Words  | 7 PagesSelf-regulation is an important part of an individual’s everyday life. From the moment a person wakes up until the moment they go to sleep, they are engaging in self-regulatory practices throughout much of their day. These self-regulatory processes are not only conscious decisions that one makes throughout a variety of situations, but can become deeply imbedded in an individual’s way of life. Through a social-cognitive perspective, one may define self-regulation as producing feelings, thoughts, and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Alzheimers Disease - the Silent Killer - 1089 Words
Alzheimer’s disease – The Silent Killer â€Å"Who are you?†â€Å"Do I know you?†Alzheimer’s disease is a very traumatic and disheartening disease that can affect loved ones in our families and relationships. I will be discussing the causes and prevention of this disease even though scientific facts and research are still being tested for validity. Alzheimer’s disease was first diagnosed to be a medical condition back in 1906 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer. Dr. Alzheimer identified this mental illness after witnessing the mental decaying mind of a woman who experienced memory loss, language problems, and unpredictable behavior. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia that usually targets people over the age of 60.†¦show more content†¦Having Down syndrome can also increase your risk of developing Alzheimer’s as well as diabetes. Diabetes is linked to Alzheimer’s due to the fact they have both been l inked to cardiovascular diseases. They both exhibit utilization of glucose in the brains. These two diagnoses are so much alike that it is hard to tell an Alzheimer’s brain from a diabetic’s brain. The manufacturing of insulin in the brain is condensed and the nerve cells are less sensitive. Diabetic drugs are now being tested to see if they could possibly help out Alzheimer patients. Another factor I found very interesting was that people with less than 6 years of some type of higher education appear to have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. From these studies, it was assumed that the brain stimulation students receive actually provides some type of protective barrier for the brain therefore not allowing of the onset of the deterioration of the mind. Now that’s a good slogan for college and higher education if you ask me. Scientists have actually come up with some preventative measures against Alzheimer’s and the onset of thi s horrendous disease. Physical activity, brain stimulation (such as puzzles, games, regularly reading, watching television, and any other type of social activity), nutritious diet, and also there is an ongoing search for a vaccine. I saw where in Europe they actually treat their age-related dementia patients with gingko biloba. Gingko biloba is thoughtShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Alzheimer s Disease1222 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract Alzheimer’s is a disease that attacks the brain and can result in brain death. This disease is chronic and lately a lot of elderly are being diagnosed with it. Alzheimer’s disease can be referred to as a silent killer because once a person gets the diagnosis, they will have it permanently. Alzheimer’s Patients have a decreased short-term memory; this can result with the onset of confusion. At times, families with loved ones that encounter this disease usually have to change their lifestyleRead MoreFootball is a classic American pastime that has been thrilling spectators for decades. As with all1200 Words  | 5 Pageseasily identified by medical conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. For instance, the NFL held a study in September of 2009 and discovered that former NFL players are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other memory deficiencies more frequently than those not affiliated with the NFL (â€Å"Head†). Thus the NFL release d another study that exposes the startling discovery that NFL veterans are four times more likely to die of Alzheimer’s than the rest of the population (Park). The most distressingRead MoreType 2 Diabetes : A Silent Killer1419 Words  | 6 PagesType 2 diabetes is a silent killer that often has no symptoms. Diabetes is a life-long chronic disease that affects your whole body. Being overweight, eating unhealthy, and not exercising leads to a lot of health complications that may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle choices such as healthy foods and moderate physical activity are important for an individual to stay healthy. Practicing a healthy lifestyle is essential in preventing the development of type 2 diabetes. Read MoreDifferences Between Men And Women1405 Words  | 6 PagesBoth men and women share several causes of death, including: heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, unintentional diseases, diabetes, influenza, and pneumonia. However, there are some differences between them such as the order of the previously listed deaths as well as men’s higher suicide rate and chronic liver disease. On the other hand, women more commonly suffer from kidney disease and septicemia. A possible hypothesis on why men commit more suicideRead MoreEssay On Atjus1506 Words  | 7 PagesThe Silent Killer Among Athletes Neurodegenerative diseases among athletes like Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) are far more common among athletes than others. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) a disease which will slowly eat away at all of the muscles in your body, will leave your mind intact, leaving you as a ghost in a shell. CTE affects the functionality of your brain itself unlike ALS. There are no found cures yet to these diseases, but researchers are finding more and more ways thatRead MoreHealthy Vs Non Healthy Lifestyle1531 Words  | 7 Pageschronic sleep deficiency may lead to a host of several health problems, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early death. Exercising and physical activity is very important when trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle, it s a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and have fun. Exercise can reduce your risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, type two diabetes and cancer by up to 50%. Overall routine exercise can lower your risk of early death by upRead MoreEffects Of Gambling On Youth And Academic Responsibilities Essay2112 Words  | 9 Pagesgambling. Furthermore, this essay will discuss challenges experienced by communities, views of the community, as well as planning and management issues linked to gambling. While gambling is not traditionally a disease like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), heart disease or Alzheimer’s disease, it, however, does cause health issues that impact communities just the same. Pokie machines have become a form of entertainment in most Australian communities and according to Victorian data from The PokiesRead MoreJust a Minute Topic2123 Words  | 9 PagesMobile phones: A not-so-silent killer? Sunday, Jun 23, 2013, 8:42 IST | Agency: Daily Telegraph To some scientists, theyre deadlier than cigarettes; to others theyre (mostly) harmless. Will we ever know the truth about mobile phones? Julia Llewellyn Smith finds out. Representational image - DNA In 1996, Neil Whitfield, a sales manager from Wigan, was given his first mobile phone by his company. It was introduced as a nice, cuddly friend. It had all of your mates contact details on it. It wasRead More Do People Have the Right to Die? Essay2426 Words  | 10 Pages.. an illegal alien ... a nursing home resident with Alzheimers disease ... an abandoned migrant worker ... or anyone too old or weak or poor to help himself or herself. For two millennia the Hippocratic tradition has stood for the sanctity of human life. We can alleviate the unbearable in life better than ever before. We can do that and not eliminate life itself. As I have said many times, medicine cannot be both our healer and our killer (Koop). Oregons Death with Dignity Act should be abolishedRead MoreDieting Makes People Fat Essay19490 Words  | 78 Pagesinvestigated in biomedical research. Smoking leads to various diseases like asthma, insomnia, heart murmurs, emphysema, strokes, heart disease and lung cancer among a wide variety of diseases and conditions. Lung cancer causes nearly 27% of deaths in smokers alone. This form of cancer may appear as soon as one starts smoking. It takes many years for lung cancer to manifest. It is considered as a number one killer in smokers. Also, heart disease leads to 24% of deaths from smoking. The cause and effect
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business for the Glory of God free essay sample
On both sides of the transaction, we can imitate God, and he will take pleasure in us when he sees us showing honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, kindness, wisdom and skill, and keeping our word regarding how much we promised to pay or what work we agreed to do†(Grudem, p. 32). Grudem also frequently refer to well know scriptures to make arguments. For an example Grudem writes â€Å"When God gave the command, ‘You shall not steal’ (Ex. 20:15), he affirmed the validity of personal ownership of possessions†(Grudem, p. 19). Not stealing is not affirming the validity of personal ownership possessions.The commandment against stealing only shows that possessions are owned by entities other than self, while it still does not validate personal ownership it also do not eliminate personal ownership of possessions either. Recommendation I have to say that, in the end, I would recommend this book to someone wanting to learn more, especially Christians and/or businesspeople wondering about business and the marketplace. We will write a custom essay sample on Business for the Glory of God or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They would do well to invest the short amount of time to read Business for the Glory of God. My only complaint is the size of the book.The book is really short and it seems like when he is just beginning to develop a thought, he needs to move on to the next topic. However, he lets the reader know that he is working on a larger edition saying in the preface, â€Å"The Bible says much about these topics, and a thorough treatment deserves a much larger book than this, on that I am still in the process of writing†(Grudem, p. 9). Therefore you should not expect this book to be a comprehensive coverage of the theology of business. This book very clearly provides an understanding as to how God uses businesses to minister to others in the marketplace. This book is also a terrific illustration of how Christians can worship God in everything they do. Grudem makes the case that this includes business too. Grudem bases his arguments on a handful of scriptural principles and demonstrates that these tools of capitalism are effective techniques to achieve those principles. If anyone has negative connotations when it comes to business and profit, this book will clarify the topics once and for all! References Grudem, Wayne (2003). Business for the Glory of God: The Bible’s Teaching on the Moral Goodness of Business. Wheaton: IL: Crossway.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
US Politics And Foreign Policy Essays - Politics Of Quebec
US Politics and Foreign Policy Letter to the editor, Re: American Reluctance After decades of so called healthy, democratically provoked American military intervention in Central America, why is it the U.S. is reluctant to invade Haiti and restore the popular, and of course, democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide? What is Mr. Aristide? Basically, he is a social democrat, who has seen and is dedicated to helping the poor. He was attempting to improve the lives of the indigent Haitians through some redistribution of wealth and land reform, which are initiatives abhorred by all previous, and maybe following, U.S. administrations. What of George Bush? You could say that these are totally incompatible with the so called "new world order" planned out by Mr. Bush. With some other Central American countries in mind, we should be looking out for the intervention of the American CIA, which could show yet another example of American intervention to topple elected governments which do not fit to their standards or liking. Letter to the Editor, Re: How would Quebec's separation affect us? Watching the crumbling situation in Quebec, (almost crumbling literally, due to Olympic Stadium, the billion dollar fizzle) it is interesting to think what would happen if they did separate? Would Canadians be in too bad a mood to negotiate with Quebec if they separated? Question is, would they negotiate at all? If Quebec did separate, the border ramifications would be just astronomical, trade routes would be chopped off, and a whole number of other things just too much to explain. Reading an article about a speech that external affairs minister Joe Clark was presenting jogged my mind a bit. Talking about the serious costs if Quebec separated, such as the free trade treaty with the U.S., I thought what about a new economic union. Would Canada sit and negotiate one with Quebec? Answering all these questions was Mr. Clark in his speech. Most of us haven't heard it, more or less heard of it. But it brings home a shocking message: What if they did separate? Do you really care? Do you care if it only affects you directly? Do you just pay your taxes and parking tickets, shut up and go about your daily business, as usual, without thinking one thing about where the your company, in which you are employed, is? What if the head office is in Quebec? Does it affect you directly? Or will you just shrug it off and go reach for your unemployment check? THINK about it! It won't just be business as usual after separation. Letter to the editor, Re: P.E.I. distinct? "P.E.I. tells unity hearing it's a distinct society, too." More people wanting this little two word, huge affect sentence pasted onto their province. Island politicians argued that their tiny size and unique geography makes them a distinct society. What bout the Territories? Do we live in igloos? Do we catch whales and seals to live on? And what of the people in P.E.I.! We musn't forget them, the people who eat potatoes, like we do, live in houses, like we do. Geography? Is P.E.I. more isolated than the Northwest Territories? If anyone should be a distinct society, the native people of Canada should, the people that were here before the people who thought of the word Quebec, and before Prince Edward was here to have an island named after him.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Death of Illusion essays
Death of Illusion essays The Federals were thick on the ground, lying all about in bloody heaps, bodies disassembled in every style that man could imagine. Inmas only thought looking on the enemy was, Go Home. Home was a place called Cold Mountain in North Carolina. The Civil War novel, by Charles Frazier describes horrific human suffering, Frazier based his story on local history and family stories handed down from his great-great grandfather. He does an excellent job with character development, along with descriptive details in each setting. There are three main characters; Inman, Ada and Ruby. Though separated by war, the characters share a common goal, survival. The realities of their hardships and suffering cause the death of the naive illusions, and lead to the changes necessary to survive. Until the war, Inman had spent his life on Cold Mountain. Like many Young men, he thought the war would be a short duration and an awesome adventure. But it turned into his worst nightmare. Fraziers descriptions of battles like Malvern Hill, Sharpsburg and Petersburg, paint a vivid and gory picture of death and destruction. The war ended for Inman after the battle of Fredericksburg. Wounded, he literally walks away from the war. Inman is not portrayed as a deserter or a coward, but as a broken man who had seen more than he could bear. His walk home to his girlfriend, Ada, was in itself, another war. He faced constant danger, fear, and starvation. He saw himself as disgusting, because of all that he had seen and participated in. Only his need to survive kept him going. Ada was spoiled and sheltered by her preacher father. When he died shortly after the war started, Ada was totally alone. Because she only had social skills, her own war was just beginning. Her only inheritance was a neglected farm. Adas education did not include even the simplest skill, like cooking. She had little hope of running a farm, ...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Pick a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pick a topic - Essay Example She was abducted from her residence country and ferried to Boston, in North America. Phillis was transported by ships when she was abducted, since that was the main source of transport back then. At the time, settlers bought slaves who helped them in their house hold chores, and Wheatley was bought as a slave by John Wheatley who took her into his home. The Wheatley’s family later gave her a sir name as she could neither read nor pronounce her name. Phillis was given the sir name ‘Wheatley’ according to rule and guidelines governing the purchase of slaves by the government (Moriarty, 4). Wheatley was a bright girl, and she quickly mastered the arts she was being taught by her foster family. She aptly learned English and accepted Christianity as her religion while working at the Wheatley’s home. The family taught her Latin, history and conventional literature as another added skills. Phillis was immensely talented in arts, and she specifically had a passion towards poetry. Her talent and passion for the subject drove her foster family to grant her the chance to study and write. As a slave, she enjoyed her rights, which were unusual for other slaves to enjoy. She partly enjoyed the life and experiences of the settlers as she was taught how to convert and write like the settlers. She grew to like and love poetry, and this was witnessed when she first wrote her first poem ‘A Tale of Two Men Who Nearly Drowned at Sea and of Their Steady Faith in God’ (Moriarty, 12). Her first poem led to her fame as she was later visited by various personalities from the Boston’s family. Phillis through her poetry works visited various nations like England because of talent in poetic writings (Moriarty, 12). Wheatley received a serious set back when the ‘American Revolution intervened’ in her career. The set back impacted negatively on her career as the
Friday, February 7, 2020
The controversies over stem cell research Paper
The controversies over stem cell - Research Paper Example Stem cell research is particularly useful for patients suffering from hemophilia. Hemophilia is very complicated and stem cell research helps in curing it, there are other blood related diseases which can also be cured using stem cells this goes to show that we have made tremendous progress in the field of science and research. The research was initially conducted in mice and it was found that their blood problems had been cured because of stem cells and the same has been found to be true in case of human beings. It is very fair to say that stem cell research has been really useful when it comes to treating diseases like hemophilia, stem cells can also cure several other blood diseases which were previously incurable and many more such advancements are expected to be made in the near future. The diseases that are incurable today may not be incurable tomorrow such is the power of science and research. Stem Cell Research- a clash of Science vs. Ethics, could well be a debate that might go on for generations as every individual has a different opinion about the subject. Should we allow doctors to play God and reverse our own destiny? Should we strive to provide cures that reverse the processes of injury and death? Or do we hold strong on our religious and moral aspects? These are the sorts of questions that have sparked the massive debate we have today. This field of science particularly deals with factors like cell plasticity and its capacity for â€Å"trans-differentiation†and â€Å"de-differentiation†in forming particular tissue types (Stojanoski et al, 2009). The clinical application of this property has been of much interest to biomedical researchers in the recent years. Though the potential of stem cell research has been confirmed to have much clinical relevance, many social and spiritual controversies have been raised due to the developments in this field. Pierret and Friedrichsen (2009) have analyzed the sociological aspects of stem cell re search. Their study has urged serious discussion, both among college students and other social elements, on the ethical issues pertaining to stem cell research (Pierret & Friedrichsen, 2009). The authors have developed a new course termed ‘Stem cells and Society’ to attract the attention of students towards scientific realities in the research and also to the moral issues related to it. (Pierret & Friedrichsen, 2009). The study has also critically analyzed the ethical controversies that had erupted in relation to similar scientific innovations (Pierret & Friedrichsen, 2009). The purpose of our study, though, is not to argue about one particular stand point but to discuss both the view points and finally to allow readers to draw their own opinions and conclusions. In addition the process has been facilitated by providing an integrative review that details previous research, theories, explanations and answers and then counteracting them with questions and objections so th at at the end of our research readers can make their own rationalistic conclusion. First Article: Introduction This particular article talks about Embryonic stem cells and how they can be used for the best. Stem cells can be crucial in reconstructive surgeries and it has proved extremely helpful in many cases. In this method the micromass technique is used and this technique is extremely useful
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Assessment methods, their merits and demerits Essay Example for Free
Assessment methods, their merits and demerits Essay Mainly, three types of assessments are in practice, initial, formative and summative assessment. Initial assessment can be a formal or informal process of identifying each learner’s strengths and help them to understand their areas of development, and the setting action plan accordingly. In formative assessment, teacher or assessor monitor students learning performance during the learning time against a set criteria. Students struggling areas are identified by feedback records and action plan for teachers to adopt teaching strategies and student to motivate for more study is adjusted. In Summative assessment, teacher evaluates the learner’s performance at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against a standard and other students’ performance. Summative assessments are high stakes or high point values and include: a)Written exams b)Quizzes c)Dissertations and projects d)Instead of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of these assessment types, I would prefer to discuss assessment instruments I used in these assessments and talk about their merits and demerits. Assessment typeStrengthLimitations 1.Written exams 1. Good tool to assess students’ knowledge without guessing. 2. It forces student to think and articulate that thinking. 3. Take less time to create test as compared to MCQ where assessor has to make more choices and student will choose one. 4. Teacher can provide better feedback on answers. 1. These tests needs language skills with and ESL students can’t demonstrate their capabilities. 2. These tests are time bounds and a slow writing student may not able to show his full knowledge. 3. Performance in these test based on memorizing facts instead of showing creativity. Assessment typeStrengthLimitations 2.Oral Exams1. This format decreases miscommunication and misunderstanding while questioning or answering. 2. Student doesn’t need to follow any set lines for answer. 3. Give more chances to examiner to ask how student came to this answer. 4. More assessors can take part in this format. 5. More areas can be covered in less time. 1. Could be biased and less fair result oriented. 2. Requires a trained examiner to set such format which cost more. 3. Shy students can be distracted by other factors and c\they may not give their fullest. Assessment typeStrengthLimitations 3. Portfolios1. Assess and promote critical thinking. 2. Give opportunity learner to be self-directed, active, peer -supported and independent. 3. More than one assessor validates the performance. 4.Promotes creativity and problem solving 5. can be used to assess professional and personal development.1. Difficult to identify whether this is student’s own effort or somebody else’s. 2. Involve large amount of paper work which gives less time to focus on course. 3. Reliability issues. 4. Student can easily hide their weaknesses in this type of assessment. Assessment typeStrengthLimitations 4. Projects and dissertations1. All round ability testing i.e practical, analytical and interpretative skills. 2. Teaches students time management and if in group then teaches leadership and team work skills. 3. Increase motivation to complete task quickly and in time.1. Making of such format assessment is hectic and time consuming. 2. Validity and reliability of assessment is not high as compared to other formats. 3. If resources not available to learning, performance will be compromised. In my teaching career, I have gone through all above mentioned assessment tools and found written exams are widely used in many parts of world. People love written exams because they pile up work and when exam is near, they memorize it and ready for exam, no creative work during the term just collecting the notes. Trend is slightly changing in the world and other assessment tools are in practice, mostly university are assessing courses by assignments, project and dissertations and these formats require continuous study and work that’s develop students other skills along with the completion of these tasks.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Road to the Cemetery :: Narrative Memoir Essays
The Road to the Cemetery The smell of cigarette smoke was strong; the leather couch reeked of it. Next to the couch was a nick-knack rack and on it were a little china girl, maybe Jill, and a little china boy, Jack; there was a glass wishing well near them too. Little glass dogs, a china cat, some shiny rocks, a little box, and a plastic Hawaii hula baby lived on the rack as well. Grandma opened the doors and all of the windows; today we were to begin cleaning out Aunt Beth's house. I looked out the front door, saw clouds were coming, and in the distance, I saw lightning flash. Today was nothing like those days nearly two weeks ago when Aunt Beth had died, and was then laid to rest. I remember the year my Great Great Aunt Beth died. Being little, people would speak quietly about her declining health and expect my cousins and I not to understand, thinking that they were sheltering us. "She isn't doing well," someone would say. "No She isn't," would be the reply, "and she refuses to take her oxygen when she goes out." "I know, she won't even have it on when someone visits." "It embarrasses her." "It shouldn't lots of people have to have oxygen" "She left it on when I went to visit her the other day, that proves that she's really not feeling very well at all." Another time I was told straight out, "Honey, Aunt Beth doesn't feel well, I don't know if she'll ever get better." This statement was wrong I was sure, she was my Aunt Beth and she would get well. I would look at her sometimes, trying to see why everyone thought she was unwell. She looked like she always had; maybe her back was a little more crooked she had Scoliosis. Her voice was just a little rough and perhaps she coughed a little more. She still gave me a sound hug when I saw her. Aunt Beth did not go on picnics with the family anymore, because she was to old Grandma said. I did know she did not feel well, but she never had felt well as long as I could remember. She did not try to shelter her many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews she knew we would find out sooner or latter. She used to say "My bones ache, my hands hurt, my back aches, I have trouble walking so I had to get me a cane, and I can't sleep for coughing.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Outline of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt
Introduction Throughout history, humans have been migrating in and out and settling in different areas of the region. Migrating and settling causes people to come together and spread their ideas to others which causes civilizations. Each civilization is created to be equal but separate in their own ways. They are all related to each other in different ways. They have shared similar beliefs, experiences and obstacles. They are both unique culturally, politically and socially. * Thesis: Two civilizations which are similar and different individually are Egypt and Mesopotamia.II. Differences * Geographical Differences 1. Egypt developed North and South hugging the banks of the Nile River Valley. * The Nile River systematically floods which flooded the surrounding banks and made the soil exceptionally rich. * Egypt bordered on the side of sea and dessert which was difficult to invade and conquer it. 2. Mesopotamia has the Tigris and Euphrates River, commonly referred to â€Å"Fertile Cre scent. †* Mesopotamia was formed in between these two rivers. * When Mesopotamia has a flood, they are forced to supply their agricultural lands. Mesopotamia land was easily opened for attack. * Writing Differences 1. Egypt created Hieroglyphics which developed from pictographs to advanced letters. 2. Mesopotamia created cuneiforms which are wedged shaped characters * Political Differences 1. Egypt had a Pharaoh which was passed down from father to son that established a long lasting dynasty. * The Pharaoh was viewed as god-liked and has magical powers. 2. Mesopotamia had a king but their king was usually deposed by invading forces due to the area's poor defensive position. Social Differences 1. In Egypt females had more opportunities to rise in life 2. Mesopotamia had different classes of slaves but all were still treated as properties. * Cultural Differences 1. Egypt did not have a law system set at the time 2. Mesopotamia had the Hammurabi Code which were orders given to c haotic places* Egypt had a longer continuous civilization than Mesopotamia III. Similarities * They were both similar by being polytheistic, believing in more than one god * They both later moved to a sort of monarchy Both of their system led to the creation of strict social classes that usually included a class for priests, traders, farmers and laborers. * Egypt and Mesopotamia both created pyramid structures * These two civilizations both first developed advance systems of writing. * Egypt and Mesopotamia created calendars beginning with the sun’s or moon’s cycle * These two civilizations both used their main rivers for trades and access to a major source of freshwater. * They used their river valleys for water for fertile crops and both have floods. Both of these civilization has structures which organizes classes within groups IV. Conclusion * Restate thesis * Till this day, ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia are still known as a huge impact in history. * Brief summary of the important similarities and differences * Why was the history of these two civilizations important? * What were some things that these civilization spread throughout and the result of it? * How are these two civilization related to today? * Analysis of this essay * End with a personal statement
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Meaning and History of the Term Robber Baron
Robber Baron was a term applied to a businessman in the 19th century who engaged in unethical and monopolistic practices, utilized corrupt political influence, faced almost no business regulation, and amassed enormous wealth. The term itself was not coined in the 1800s, but actually dated back centuries It was originally applied to noblemen in the Middle Ages who functioned as feudal warlords and were literally â€Å"robber barons.†In the 1870s the term began to be used to describe business tycoons, and the usage persisted throughout the rest of the 19th century. The late 1800s and the first decade of the 20th century are sometimes referred to as an age of robber barons. The Rise of Robber Barons As the United States transformed into an industrial society with little regulation of business, it was possible for small numbers of men to dominate crucial industries. Conditions which favored vast accumulations of wealth included the extensive natural resources being discovered as the country expanded, the enormous potential workforce of immigrants arriving in the country, and the general acceleration of business in the years following the Civil War. Railroad builders, in particular, needing political influence to build their railways, became adept at influencing politicians through the use of lobbyists, or in some cases, outright bribery. In the public mind, robber barons were often associated with political corruption. The concept of laissez faire capitalism, which dictated no government regulation of business, was promoted. Facing few impediments to creating monopolies, engaging in shady stock trading practices, or exploiting workers, some individuals made enormous fortunes. Examples of Robber Barons As the term robber baron came into common usage, it was often applied to a small group of men. Notable examples were: Cornelius Vanderbilt, owner of steamship lines and railroads.Andrew Carnegie, steel manufacturer.J.P. Morgan, financier, and banker.John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil.Jay Gould, Wall Street trader.Jim Fisk, Wall Street trader.Russell Sage, financier. The men who were called robber barons were often portrayed in a positive light, as â€Å"self-made men†who had helped build the nation and in the process created many jobs for American workers. However, the public mood turned against them in the late 19th century. Criticism from newspapers and social critics began to find an audience. And American workers began to organize in great numbers as the labor movement accelerated. Events in labor history, such as the Homestead Strike and the Pullman Strike, intensified public resentment toward the wealthy. The conditions of workers, when contrasted with the lavish lifestyles of millionaire industrialists, created widespread resentment. Even other businessmen felt exploited by monopolistic practices as it was virtually impossible to compete in some fields. Common citizens became aware that monopolists could more easily exploit workers. There was even a public backlash against the lavish displays of wealth often exhibited by the very wealthy of the age. Critics noted the concentration of wealth as evil or weakness of society, and satirists, such as Mark Twain, derided the showiness of the robber barons as â€Å"the Gilded Age.†In the 1880s journalists such as Nellie Bly performed pioneering work exposing the practices of unscrupulous businessmen. And Blys newspaper, Joseph Pulitzers New York World, positioned itself as the newspaper of the people and often criticized wealthy businessmen. In 1894 the protest march by Coxeys Army drew enormous publicity to a group of protesters who often spoke out against a wealthy ruling class that exploited workers. And the pioneering photojournalist Jacob Riis, in his classic book How the Other Half Lives, helped to highlight the great gap between the wealthy and the suffering poor in New York Citys slum neighborhoods. Legislation Aimed at Robber Barons The public’s increasingly negative view of trusts, or monopolies, transformed into legislation with the passage of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in 1890. The law did not end the reign of robber barons, but it signaled that the era of unregulated business would be coming to an end. Over time, many of the practices of the robber barons would become illegal as further legislation sought to ensure fairness in American business. Sources: The Robber Barons. Development of the Industrial U.S. Reference Library, edited by Sonia G. Benson, et al., vol. 1: Almanac, UXL, 2006, pp. 84-99. Robber Barons. Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History, edited by Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk, vol. 2, Gale, 2000, pp. 879-880.
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